Sheli Das wrote 25th September 2018

Our beloved dad was a true gentleman, one in a million who touched many lives. He was kind, affectionate and always wanted people around him. He left this world surrounded by his loved ones at his bedside. Right up until the end he thanked people for coming to see him. Even though he was so sick & struggling for breath he never lost his good manners & polite nature. It makes me proud to see the same mannerisms in my children, nephew and nieces. Our dad was always known for his big heart. His generosity is parallel to none. He always put others first and had a very selfless and giving nature. He had a very good sense of humour & was constantly joking with the nurses and they loved him. He knew how to make people laugh and smile. He has always been there for us through our joys and sorrows & he will never be forgotten. While he was departing for the heavenly abode he used all his 5 senses for Lord Krishna. He held the Bhagavad Gita, he listened to us continuously chanting & he managed to say “Hare Krishna” himself. We placed Radha Krishna’s photo right in front of him so the last image he saw was of Radha Krishna. Ganga jal from Haridwar which is a pilgrimage site was the last item to pass through his lips. He also smelled flowers given by senior devotees who had just returned from the holy city Mayapur; they also brought Chandan from there which we put on his forehead as tilak. For this reason, we know that our dad has gone straight to Lord Krishna & this gives us great comfort.